width 0, 500 : height 0, 100 dim caption_height%, border_width% picture 1 : full_space 1 caption_height% = 100 - height(1) border_width% = (500 - width(1))/2 delete 1 alpha 1: caption 1,"Hauteur de la barre de titre :"+str$(caption_height%)+" pixels" : top 1,20 alpha 2: caption 2,"Largeur des bordures :"+str$(border_width%)+" pixels" : top 2,40 END
Autre solution pour la hauteur donné par Nicolas : (cf forum)
height 0,0 : dim caption_height% : caption_height% = height(0) height 0,200: caption 0,str$(caption_height%)
' Mike Keith in Journal of Recreational Mathematics (vol.22, n°4, 1990 p.80) dim month,day,year, i,day$(7) data "Dimanche","Lundi","Mardi","Mercredi","Jeudi","Vendredi","Samedi" ' German : ' data "Sonntag","Montag","Dienstag","Mittwoch","Donnerstag","Freitag","Samsag" ' English: ' data "Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday" for i = 0 to 6 : read day$(i) : next i day = 1 : month = 3 : year = 2000 i = year if month < 3 then i = i - 1 i = int((23*month)/9)+day+4+year+int(i/4)-int(i/100)+int(i/400) if month >= 3 then i = i - 2 i = i - (int(i/7)*7) print day$(i)
' Calcul changement d'heure été DIM a,m,j DIM siecle,b,jour,annee annee=2012 m=3:j=31:a=annee: m=m-2 if m<1 then m=m+12:a=a-1 siecle = int(a/100) a = a- (siecle*100) b=int(2.6*m-0.19)+j+a+int(a/4)+int(siecle/4)-siecle*2 jour = int((b/7 -int(b/7))*7 +0.1) print (31-jour);" Mars ";annee